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The Full Story

Our Founders, Apostles Lee and Doris Rice opened the doors of Victory Christian Outreach Church on September 25th, 1983. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they were given one goal: to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding so that every person who made the decision to apply the Word of God to their life will see the manifestation of God's promises over their life come to pass.


Because of their faithfulness to the promise they made God, hundreds of thousands of lives have been changed, thousands of souls have been saved, bodies have been healed, and multiple churches were birth into purpose.


Apostles Lee and Doris successfully pastored Victory together as a team until March 17th, 2019, the day Apostle Doris was called home to be with the Lord. She truly is the perfect example of a Proverbs 31 woman, who fought the good fight and finished her race.


On March 17th, 2019, the mantle of Senior Pastor was placed on Pastor Daphne Rice-Bruce. She made the decision to be committed to the promises made Our Lord, a yes without condition. 


September 19th, 2019, Pastor Daphne Rice-Bruce was officially installed as Senior Pastor of Victory Christian Outreach Church by Apostle Lee Rice, Bishop Henry Phillips (Power of Change Christian Church), and Apostle Larry J. Baylor (Faith Miracle Temple). Pastor Daphne was handed the Crosier by her father, Apostle Lee Rice who openly proclaimed openly that as God was with him and Apostle Doris, so shall He be with Pastor Daphne.


Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Daphne has been given the vision to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding, and to allow the Glory of God to blow the wind of restoration through the house at all times. Victory Christian Outreach Church has been marked by God as the home where the broken can be restored.





Our vision is to proclaim Jesus, the Christ, as head of the Church and the manifested Word of God. Our goal is to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding so that it may be applied to our everyday lives in a practical and effective manner, thereby being transformed into VICTORIOUS CHRISTIANS. It is our effort to change our immediate world and all those whom we come into contact -- ultimately making a mark that cannot be erased. 

As a multi-cultural family of believers, Victory Christian Outreach Church is called to help each of our members experience ongoing growth in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to “grow up together” as a corporate body into the image of Christ. Our mission is to present a visible demonstration of the love of God first to one another then to our neighbors, our community, the marketplace and the world. 



Crucial to fulfilling our mission is our “progressive vision” of corporate and personal pursuit of Spirit-filled and Spirit-led lives through embracing the Godly disciplines of prayer and worship, study of the Word of God, fellowship stewardship, evangelism and missionary activities. 

Our progressive vision as a corporate people is to under-grid, strengthen and increase; 

Our progressive vision as a corporate people is to pursue, develop and stabilize.

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